National, Regional and Statewide Programs

Alaska DEC Shellfish page – Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation resources on commercial shellfish harvesting practices.

Alaska Dept. of Health and Social Services – Resources from the state on various types of shellfish poisoning and previously released public service announcements.

Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA) – Shellfish poisoning and steps you can take to avoid it.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Illness and Symptoms: Marine Algal Blooms

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Determination of Cyanotoxins in Drinking and Ambient Freshwaters (sample collection and analytical methods)

• EPA Cyanobacteria Newsletter, Webinars and Discussion Group

Harmful Algae Event Database (HAEDAT) – a meta database containing records of harmful algal events. Put together by the Harmful Algal Information system (HAIS) within UNESCO, and in cooperation with ICES, and PICES.

Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) – Strategies for preventing and managing freshwater harmful cyanobacterial blooms (HCBs). Includes a video training on learning to identify cyanobacteria blooms.

Kachemak Bay National Estuarian Research Reserve – Description of KBNERR’s monitoring program in Southcentral Alaska and various educational materials.

• KBNERR Community Monitoring HAB Information and Field Guides

National Harmful Algal Bloom Observing Networks (NHABON) – Pilot project to integrate regional HAB observing systems into a single network to facilitate development of HAB monitoring, forecasting and early warning systems. The NHABON Implementation Strategy was released in January 2021.

NASA Phytoplankton Blooms – Classroom resources on phytoplankton for students and teachers of grades 3-12, to help them analyze and interpret NASA mission data.

NOAA HABs – National site with an overview of Harmful Algal Blooms and NOAA’s involvement in forecasting and monitoring.

• NOAA HAB Event Response Program – a national program that assists scientists and managers and mitigate their impacts.

• NOAA HAB Observing System – a database of HAB observations and associated environmental observation updated annually and made publicly available in the NCEI archive and via the interactive map viewer.

• Phytoplankton Monitoring Network – National program leading volunteers in monitoring for harmful algal blooms.

Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska – PSP results from Unalaska, St. Paul, King Cove and Sand Point

Sea Grant HABs -Overview on Harmful Algal Blooms in Alaska and links to national programs.

Southeast Alaska Tribal Ocean Research (SEATOR) – Recent shellfish toxin testing data and information on their shellfish testing program.

U.S.G.S. Alaska Science Center HABs program – Information about Harmful Algal Blooms in seabirds, and the ongoing research on the effects of HABs on seabirds in Alaska

U.S. National HAB Research Programs – List of U.S. national research programs for the study of harmful algal blooms maintained by the National Office for Harmful Algal Blooms at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

GlobalHABs – an international science program with the goal to improve understanding and prediction of HABs.